You Skin – A Lifetime Investment

Welcome to the first of my skin blogs.  As many of you are already aware skin is my passion! I wanted to share some of the knowledge I have gained through extensive seminars and training courses and now I have found a way. 

At Euphoric we specialise in skin care, striving to provide our clients with professional, results-driven beauty solutions so that you can look and feel your best. 

This first blog looks at why we should care for our skin and will be followed by other skin related topics such as skin and the sun, nutrition and its importance for the skin, teenage skin and specific concerns such as pigmentation and rosacea. 

I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I am going to enjoy writing them!

Zoe Clark
Director – Euphoric

Your Skin  
A Lifetime Investment

Your skin is the first thing people notice after your eyes so it is important to be aware of the right way to care for it.  Unlike most items of clothing, you wear your skin every single day and will do for the rest of your life so surely you should invest in it?

Firstly some skin facts:
  •  ·         Your skin is the largest organ of your body and the most complex
  •  ·         It is a physical barrier and acts to keep things both in and out of the body!
  •  ·         It protects us from toxins, heat and cold
  •  ·         It is waterproof
  •  ·         It provides us with sensory information
  •  ·         It removes toxins

II   The skin is made up of two main layers, the Dermis and the Epidermis.  These layers  contain a  the skins cells – Keratinocytes (the growing cells of the skin), melanocytes (produce melanin, responsible for giving your skin it’s colour), Langerhans cells (responsible for skin immunity) and Fibroblasts (produce collagen and elastin).

The most common skin concern for both men and women is photo-ageing.  Stress, pollution and sun are the three main reasons for dull, damaged skin.  One way or another your skin gets battered and, before you know it, premature ageing is staring you in the face!

Photo-ageing starts as early as  the teens with 80% of photo-damage already established by the age of 18.  Look carefully at the skin of the average person in their early twenties and you will see evidence of sun damage, the beginning of fine wrinkles around the eyes, freckles and clumping of the skin pigment. 
Of course some people have the worst skincare routine but still have good skin.  These are the lucky few, blessed with good genes.  For most of us though, as with many things in life, this is not the case.  You must make your own luck, or follow a great skincare routine with products and technology suited to the skins needs.   

But skincare is not just about looking better.  The world we live in is no longer the friendly place it once was.  Industrial waste has polluted the atmosphere and contaminants directly affect our skin.  The thinning of the ozone layer has subjected us to more intense ultra-violet irradiation and the corrosive effects of free radicals (unstable molecules which cause ageing by attacking cells).  

A delicate but amazingly efficient organ, the skin is our only protection against this hostile environment. 

There has been a frightening increase in skin cancer over the years so becoming sun savy is important now more than ever.  More information in my blog on sun and the skin

So what can we do about it?  By implementing a good skincare routine and protecting your skin daily you can protect it skin and achieve healthy skin for life.  

Environ is a pioneer in true skin care.  The creams are not just another product introduced to fool people into believing that they will look better.  They have been formulated with the current climatic condition in mind together with the increase in skin cancers and most importantly they work!

Watch out for my next blog — Vitamin A- Skincare’s Best Kept Secret
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