Covid 19 Policy

Covid 19 Policy

The fight against Covid 19 is a shared responsibility.

We have carried out an extensive risk assessment in order to identify all safety concerns and implement sufficient controls. Based on this, together with both government and industry guidelines, we have introduced some changes to our previous processes and protocols.

We ask for your patience and understanding and thank you for supporting us and adhering to the following policy.

  • A Covid-19 Health questionnaire will be sent to you prior to your appointment. This must be completed and returned before arriving for your treatment.
  • Electronic payments are preferred where possible to avoid handling cash.
  • Hand Sanitizer is required upon arrival. This is provided in the entrance.
  • As per government regulations, face masks are required during your visit. We can provide you with a disposable mask should you forget your own. Masks may be removed where it is necessary for your treatment to be carried out.
  • Please arrive for your appointment at the scheduled time. If you arrive early please wait in your car. If you arrive late your appointment may have to be rescheduled to avoid crossover of appointments.
  • Appointments are limited to reduce volume of people for distancing.
  • Please limit personal belongings to essential items.
  • All equipment and work areas will be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected between appointments. Appointment timings have been extended to allow for this.
  • Please come to your appointment alone. Unfortunately we cannot accommodate friends or children.
  • Please cancel your appointment if you have any COVID-19 symptoms or have been in contact with anyone suffering from symptoms recently.
  • In the event that myself or any members of my household display COVID-19 symptoms it will be necessary to self isolate for a period of time, as set out by government guidelines. In the event of the above, appointments would need to be cancelled at short notice.
  • If you or anyone in your household begin to show symptoms of COVID-19 within 14 days of your appointment please follow UK government guidance and inform the salon straight away.

To help minimise the transmission of COVID-19 and support public health and safety, and in accordance with government legislation we are participating in the NHS track and trace scheme. Please download the app prior to your appointment. You will be required to scan the QR code whenever you visit the salon.

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