Skincare the Euphoric Way

Here at Euphoric, we’re passionate about achieving the best results for you and your skin. That’s why we’ve adopted a three-pronged approach to skincare through the use of the brands we stock — Environ skincare products, Advanced Nutrition Programme (ANP) supplements and jane iredale  skincare make-up – to give our clients a total skincare solution. We call this the three F’s of great skincare: Feed, Fortify and Finish.

The first step for great skin is to feed the skin from within. The Advanced Nutrition Programme is a range of premium quality supplements designed to target specific skin concerns and promote overall wellbeing.
We’ve all been told “You are what you eat” which is true; vitamins and nutrients are the building blocks of the body. However even if you eat a well-balanced diet, it’s unlikely your skin is getting all the nutrients it needs as intense farming methods mean vitamin levels in food have dropped considerably.

If your body is making healthy skin cells on the inside, your skin will look good on the outside. ANP supplements give any skincare regime or in-salon treatments a head start because the cells start off healthy.

Having created the building blocks for healthy skin with good nutrition, our second step is to fortify the skin with our topical skincare, Environ. These products are enriched with powerful antioxidants, active vitamins, growth factors and peptides, which all help to protect and repair skin, leaving it glowing with health. Combining a bespoke skincare regime using Environ homecare products with regular in-salon treatments will achieve the best results.

Once you’ve achieved great looking, healthy skin you don’t want to undo all your hard work by applying make-up that’s full of harsh chemicals and pore-blocking compounds. We recommend jane Iredale, a mineral makeup which is free from fillers and potential irritants. The pure pigments provide flawless, radiant coverage while allowing skin to breathe and function normally.

We hold monthly in-salon skin events. During your hour appointment your skin will be analysed with medically proven imaging equipment to reveal damage and signs of ageing on and beneath the surface of the skin. Your skin analyst will create a bespoke regime, and then you finish by relaxing and enjoying a soothing tailor-made facial.

To find out more about how our experienced skincare therapists can help you achieve the skin you’ve always wanted, or to book for one of our skin analysis events, contact us on 01903 206600 or visit our website

Brilliant skin begins at Euphoric!
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