In the News This Week
The Diseases we thought we’d defeated

We have been hearing a lot more recently about the importance of vitamin D for healthy, strong bones and overall well-being, and concerns have been rising about the number of people deficient in vitamin D. A new report released today (19.3.14) found that 60% of parents in the UK aren’t worried about the risk that comes with a lack of vitamin D. This report was discussed during the TV programme Daybreak 

Over the last 10 years, cases of rickets (along with TB, scurvy and scarlet fever) have risen dramatically. The figure has risen from 180 cases of rickets 10 years ago to more than 800 by last year. One of the reasons for this is a lack of vitamin D.

The report’s findings have raised concerns amongst health experts that under five’s in the UK may be missing out on this essential vitamin. In fact the chances are that anyone not taking a vitamin D supplement will be deficient.

So why are we all lacking in vitamin D? It’s made when exposed to UVB rays present in sunlight. UVB is only present at midday during summer months. The lack of sunshine in the UK restricts our level of sun exposure and in fact a large number of people avoid sunlight for fear of developing wrinkles and skin cancers. In addition, the increased use of sunscreens has reduced our exposure to UVB. An SPF of just 15 will literally knock out UVB and many of us are using SPFs as high as 50.

We can gain some vitamin D in our diets through oily fish, eggs and cheese. It’s also added to milk and orange juice. However, as we discussed in our blog InsideSkincare, you can’t get all the necessary nutrients through diet alone.

As well as rickets, inadequate levels of vitamin D can lead to a weakened immune system, increased risk of cancer, poor hair growth and osteomalacia, a condition of weakened muscles and bones. 

Most people don’t realise that vitamin D is also vital for healthy skin. It aids skin rejuvenation, boosts skin immunity and fights free radicals.

To get the most out of vitamin D, you need to combine it with vitamin A. These two powerful nutrients work in synergy resulting in healthy skin and bones.
Here at Euphoric we believe in better skin from the inside out and treat skin both topically with our Environ Skincare products and internally through skin specific supplements. The Advanced Nutrition programme is a cutting edge range of supplements that supports skincare regimes. Only the finest, purest ingredients are used in a form that is easily absorbed by the body. The supplements contain the optimum daily levels of vitamins, minerals and plant extracts to help maintain vibrant, healthy and glowing skin.

These two nutrients work so well together that vitamin D has now been added to the popular Skin Vit A supplement, available from the Advanced Nutrition Programme. It has been renamed Skin Vit A+ to reflect this exciting change.
To find out more about how we can help you achieve a healthy skin for life, call to book a consultation with one of our expert skin therapists on 01903 206600 or e-mail us

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